Arranging a Funeral Service

The loss of a loved one is hard for anyone particulary those you are close to most. Asian Funeral Home are here to make this difficcult time as easy as possible and help reduce the stresses of arranging a funeral.

The following is a brief summary of of what information will be required during the arrangement of a funeral service. 

To discuss your requirements in detail please speak to a member of our team, who will help clarify any points you may have. 

The loss of a loved one is hard for anyone particulary those you are close to most. Asian Funeral Home are here to make this difficcult time as easy as possible and help reduce the stresses of arranging a funeral.

To discuss your requirements in detail please speak to a member of our team, who will help clarify any points you may have.

Service Information

Client Information

Deceased Information

GP Information

Service Information

Client Information

Deceased Information

GP Information

Start to consider the following




Visual Media



Ashes & Aftercare

The funeral planning checklist is suitable for all faiths, backgrounds and belief systems.

offering you an easy way to ensure that you have covered the essentials when it comes to planning a funeral for a loved one.

Start to consider the following

The funeral planning checklist is suitable for all faiths, backgrounds and belief systems and offers you an easy way to ensure that you have covered the essential when it comes to planning a funeral for a loved one.